In order to change your password, please follow the instructions below:
- Go to
- Log in to your account
- Go to ‘Edit My Account’ or follow this URL:
- Find the ‘Change password’ field and enter your new password
- Click ‘Save changes’
- You’ll see a popup window, enter your existing password and click ‘Submit’
Please keep in mind that all sessions on all your devices will remain unaffected of your password change. When you performed your password changed due to a stolen password, stolen/lost device, compromised password etc., it would be good to invalidate the sessions for these devices too. You can do this by heading to where you can find a list of all devices that have been used to log into your account - in the "List of logged in devices" section. Use the red logout button at the top right for each device to invalidate the session. After the session has been invalidated the device in question will be prompted for a new login (with the updated password) upon the next site visit.
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